Thursday, March 29, 2007

Today is a big day for my daughter Lucy and for many high school seniors throughout the US. She will hear today from various schools we've been waiting on for the decision of where she will go to college. Will she be accepted is one question. Another is can we afford it? The schools she would like to attend cost more per year than either I or my wife make in annual salary, so financial assistance will be part of the package we will have to consider. My wife, Jean and I are pleased that Lucy has worked hard and has ambitions about where to go with her life. But, as a friend of mine once said, "It's a doggie-dog world." There are no magic wands that mothers and fathers can wave to bring children to their happiest moments and fulfillment of dreams. And we know that dealing with disappointment can be a more important lesson than success.

We heard this morning from a friend in Norway whose son has been admitted to an asylum in Amsterdam for drug addiction. Our hearts go out to Kari, her son and her family.

It is all enough to make me wonder. As Kari said, "It is time for prayers, I'm just a mother. I've done all that a mother can do." Don't we all wish at times like this that there was more that we could do? And don't we also hope that inherent in the human soul is the seed of something larger that grows and triumphs over our moments of disappointment, anguish or despair?

Lucy wore brown this morning in hopes of her acceptance at her school of choice. She is bound for success and has the world by the tail, whatever the world of colleges and universities presents. We have our fingers crossed that she gets the educational opportunities she needs and has worked very hard to deserve. And there are children in the world that need more than crossed fingers... how about hands in prayer?

And I have to say, I'm not a praying man... I would prefer practical action to change society and change values so that all people can gain the insight and wisdom that comes through the creative efforts of their own hands. I have seen the value of creativity and the arts in my own life. So put your hands in prayer for just a moment. It may help. Then put your hands to work... putting hands-on education back in all schools. It would help. The photo above is of new leaves on the Japanese maple in our front yard.

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