Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Learning, more than just a head-trip?

Yesterday's report of research at Purdue was very interesting and you will find the link below. But in the world of the hands, it is very old news. Educators in 1904 and before had noted that students learned faster in less time and retained the knowledge longer when they learned through their hands. But we have made a mockery of education, attempting to increase class sizes and cut costs at the expense of our children's future.

When we know someone is all blown up with self-importance losing touch with reality, we say they are on a "head trip." I have a very strong sense of purpose in writing this blog. It is a "hand trip." It will take us places. Join me. All you need to do is take greater notice of the things dangling at the ends of your arms. Watch how they make you smarter, more creative, and even wise about physical reality. Then join me in pushing for hands-on learning in schools.

In the meantime, we are in our ninth day without power. The man at the power company estimates 3 to 5 more days.

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